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Interior Bigfooters

Public·3 members

Sasquatch Tracker
Sasquatch Tracker
2023년 3월 30일

I was going through files trying to get organized and located this older photo of a possible Boreal Sasquatch tree structure. I just thought I would share it with everyone. Research on this particular structure showed that most of the tree trunks had been broken at ground level and the trees were dragged and put into place as a deliberate action. Very interesting!


Any interior bigfoot excursions going on?

Jessie Desmond
May 23, 2022 · changed the group description.

This is a group for those in the interior to connect with other bigfoot enthusiasts and investigators.

Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, get updates and share photos.


    This is a group for those in the interior to connect with ot...
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