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Writer's pictureJessie Desmond

Speaker: Michael Thompson, Sasquatch Tracker

Where are you from?

I’m currently living in Tok, Alaska

What is your background (i.e. career, education, etc)?

I’m a Gulf War Era veteran who went on and had a full-length career as an Officer for US Customs and Border Protection. Besides day-to-day land border law enforcement, I also did Emergency Planning and Response as well as designing and instructing exercises aimed to test DHS responses to terrorism and natural disaster events. I have a MS degree in Law Enforcement and a MA degree in Archaeology and Heritage. I’m currently working as a Safety Technician for a construction management company.

What will you be talking about at the expo?

I plan to be speaking about Boreal Sasquatch Aggression and Violence directed towards people.

What initially got you interested in this topic?

When I started researching in Alaska, I quickly noticed there were many sources. I found lots of information in lots of places. I wanted to make a website where all of the information was available in one place. Then as I built the website up, I noticed encounters detailing violent interaction with people and the more I looked, the more interesting the topic became.

For those unfamiliar with your website, Sasquatch Tracker, can you tell us about it?

It’s about 95% database. By this I mean I collect encounters from around the state and organize or catalog them by decade. I also categorize encounters by the type of occurrence. I use code letters to show sightings, tracks discovered, vocalizations and other behavior. I even created a sperate category for “legends”. This is for things that just appear bigger than life and can’t be explained. The other 5% of my site is some of my personal insight and general information about how I examine tracks.

Are you finding that more reports come from certain groups of people, like hunters, in the Tok area? Are there any Tok hotspots, or hotspots not-too-far from Tok, for sasquatch?

I receive a fair number of reports from hunters as well as trappers. Trapping is a winter activity of course, so this supports the notion that Boreal Sasquatch are active year-round. Prior to COVID, I would receive several reports from tourists. Now that travel restrictions have eased up a bit, I expect more reports to be coming in next summer. To pick a hotspot, I would choose the Taylor Highway. This highway runs from Tetlin Junction (just outside of Tok) to Eagle right through the 40 Mile Mining District. There’s lots of commercial and recreational mining going on and lots of encounters!

How is a Boreal Bigfoot different from what people report in the Lower Forty-Eight?

Size and track shape are the biggest differences. Boreal Sasquatch are usually 6 to 7.5 feet in height. Anything taller is probably a mis-identified Neo-Giant. Boreal Sasquatch are also known as Marked Hominids. “Marked” in this case means having areas of contrasting colored hair or lighter colored mane. Not so much of a dappled appearance, but more of a small and subtle patch of hair that isn’t noticed at the first glance. Neo-Giant tracks are very box like or rectangular in shape whereas Boreal Sasquatch tracks are more human looking.

Besides the Boreal Bigfoot, are there other types of mysterious bipeds in Alaska?

Yes! Kushtaka, Neandertaloids, Proto-pygmies, the Tcetin, True Giants, and Neo -Giants.

Michael (right) working with the Small Town Monsters crew

How does the Boreal Bigfoot survive the winters in Interior Alaska? Do they use fire?

Boreal Sasquatch have a very effective winter strategy. They not only survive but thrive! I have concluded that there is small-scale seasonal migration occurring. Boreal Sasquatch are apex hunters as well as apex scavengers and are taking advantage of Alaska’s multiple caribou herds during the winter. The small-scale aspect of this is only travelling a few miles to follow herds as they make their way through particular areas. The rest of the time, they are making a decent living off, snowshoe hares, grouse, martin, ermine etc. There are not any reported uses of fire. It doesn’t mean there is no fire use, it just means it’s not observed or not being mentioned when encounters are submitted.

What would be your ideal sighting of a Boreal Bigfoot?

Being approached in a hunting camp mid-afternoon and conversing in a universally understood sign language. Obviously being able to have a conversation would be ideal but having this occur in a camp where I could offer food and during mid-afternoon where I could get a good at my visitor would be even better. And to “one-up” this, convincing my visitor to sit still for a photo.

When can we expect a book from you?

Good question! I am working on a book right now! I haven’t decided upon the title yet, but it’s going to be based upon a series called “Historical Bad Boys” that I published on my blog. It’s going to detail the characteristics of the Boreal Sasquatch as well as examining his violent and mayhem like acts and his mischievous behavior.

Social media: I’m not too terribly active on Facebook, Twitter or the other platforms, but I do have a

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